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EFX internet OMEGA Multimedia Hosting
2/1/2006 (Source: EFX internet)

Need more power for multimedia and streaming applications?  Need a partner to actively monitor, support and grow with your high-bandwidth applications?  EFX internet offers custom solutions for your multimedia hosting needs with fully redundant Tier 1 100Mbit internet connectivity and gigabytes of space to meet your requirements.  Our solutions will be the last one you'll ever need.

Todays multimedia applications, whether they be video, audio or live streaming requires ample bandwidth to be delivered quickly and smoothly.  EFX internet has partnered with Tier 1 internet providers to offer a managed solution to your multimedia hosting needs.  Our prodivers deliver 100Mbit internet connectivity.  That's 20 times the speed available to a cable-modem users with their connection 100% maxed-out.

What this means to you is your multimedia content is delivered to your customers as quickly as possible with today's technology.  No more waiting for an audio clip to start up.  No more waiting for a video presentation to "buffer" in the player.

Having rich content that is instantly available to your customers will ensure they stay on your site longer and experience no frustrating waits when browsing your site.

EFX internet can customize a plan for your bandwidth and storage space needs with future growth in mind.  As an added benefit we will monitor the OMEGA servers and your bandwidth consumption to keep your site up and running 24/7/365.

Contact EFX internet today for a quote.

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